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BDA Systems, NJ and PA

Opening Lines of Communication During Emergencies in NJ and PA Offices With BDA System Installation
Signal When it Matters Most

BDA Systems in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

Being prepared for emergency situations in your workplace is critical. When these situations do arise, you need to ensure that you have a means of communication with whoever is on the way to help. Any firefighter, EMT, or police officer who comes into your building should be able to get in touch with you and each other as they enter the building and make their way toward the deepest recesses of your building to take action. If you’re looking for a dependable means of helping first responders communicate with each other, a BDA system might be worth the investment.

Cabling Drops helps businesses in New Jersey and Pennsylvania install bi-directional amplifier (BDA) systems that can offer emergency responders increased frequency for communication with each other via radio devices if they are working in dead zones or areas where reception is poor. Thanks to the presence of NFPA-compliant and FCC-approved BDA systems and DAS systems in your building, it’s much easier for everyone to have adequate signal strength to communicate with others on your network, regardless of the situation.

What are BDA Systems?

Bi-directional amplifiers (BDA) systems are signal-boosting turn-key solutions that enhance in-building radio frequency (RF) signal coverage for first responders and public safety officials via radio devices. Nearly all New Jersey and Pennsylvania businesses can benefit from these systems, and many local ordinances require a BDA System Installation. Without BDA systems in place, it can be tough for first responders to communicate with each other, meaning your building is at risk of more significant damage or loss if a disaster strikes. If you don’t currently have anything in place, you should look into having a system installed as soon as possible, as it could present a significant issue next time you need to renovate your building or receive or renew certifications.

What is BDA Testing?

BDA system testing is the routine maintenance checks conducted regularly to ensure your BDA system’s coverage extends throughout the entire building. If there are any issues with the in-building radio frequency that need to be addressed or any enhancements that can benefit your system, these tests identify the pain points and help you take the next steps toward improving communications within your building. If you previously had your system installed by someone other than the Cabling Drops team, we can still perform BDA testing for you, as this does not have to be done by the original installers. As long as a licensed and certified technician is present to perform these tasks, BDA system testing can be conducted.

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BDA System Installation in Hamilton, NJ

If you are operating out of a new building, some townships in Pennsylvania and New Jersey may require the BDA installation to boost signal strength for first responders in an emergency. Even if your town does not require a bi-directional amplifier (BDA) system, you should consider this investment anyway, if not for the sake of public safety and giving your building and your employees that extra sense of security. Enhancing your in-building radio frequency through your BDA system will provide plenty of advantages should you face an emergency, such as quicker response times, a solidified approach to the problem from your first responders, and plenty more.

Our licensed and certified technicians at Cabling Drops can provide and install fully equipped BDA systems that give you peace of mind should the worst happen to your building. We verify that your system meets all UL-listed system requirements and can be utilized without any semblance of a doubt when you need it most.

How Much Will My BDA System Cost?

You likely see many of the benefits to a BDA system now and are highly considering making the investment if you don’t have one installed already. The only hurdle now is the BDA system cost. If this is your greatest concern, you will be relieved to know that BDA installations and DAS system installations are actually on the more affordable side per square foot. Not only will you be able to add levels of enhancements to your public safety measures, but you’ll be able to do so without blowing through your budget. 

These are so inexpensive because BDA systems only need to increase the in-building radio frequency of one type of signal. Meanwhile, distributed antenna systems (DAS) deal with multiple carriers, and since the cost of these systems ties directly into how many signals require increased frequency, BDA systems are a relatively affordable option. The experts at Cabling Drops will be able to work with you and your building manager personally, whether you are in Red Bank, NJ, or Newtown, PA, and provide you with an accurate estimate and a clear understanding of your BDA system cost from the very first stages of the process.

Providing Enhanced DAS Systems in Buildings

BDA systems are great for providing emergency responders with better radio signals in worst-case scenarios. However, you still don’t want to leave any employees or visitors in dead zones in the event of an emergency, so you’ll need more enhancements to guarantee everybody’s safety. These situations would be where installing distributed antenna systems (DAS) in buildings comes into play.

If your building opts for DAS Cabling Drops team will place a series of mounted antennas around your facility. These antennas will increase the frequency of any carrier signals by people in the general vicinity of your building, providing maximum radio coverage for all communication devices throughout your facility.

What is a DAS Network?

A distributed antenna system (DAS) consists of a network of mounted nodes that improve your building’s wireless signal strength. This network can increase your existing carrier’s waves and give you complete coverage throughout the building, which is critical for emergency situations and communication with coworkers inside the building. DAS systems in buildings are NFPA-compliant and FDA-approved and have easy design features that can fit the needs of any building and take into account any employees and visitors your building may host.

What is the Difference Between BDA and DAS?

While BDA and DAS systems in buildings might seem like they are similar enough and serve the same purpose, they have a completely different target audience, and thus can have completely different uses. BDA systems are designed to boost signals for first responders and emergency services when disaster strikes, placing emphasis on public safety. On the other hand, DAS system designs are structured more towards civilians, and while the primary purpose is still for communication during emergencies, it can be used on a much more personal level as well. Ultimately, both are recommended for your building, and the Cabling Drops team can provide both enhancements for facilities in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

DAS System Installation

As mentioned above, the DAS system installation process involves equipping your facility with mounted antennas around the premises, thus boosting the signal strength and allowing those with less reliable networks to communicate with others when they need to most. Once this process is complete, you can feel much more confident knowing that your employees and visitors can make and receive calls throughout your building, no matter their intended purposes.

In crisis situations, having maximum cellular coverage is a must. Otherwise, the safety of your team is significantly compromised. Luckily, these packaged turn-key solutions for your building can put both your employees, guests, and building operations managers at ease with increased frequency for their devices should things ever take a turn for the worse.

DAS System Design

Every building has different layouts and needs and may also have varying levels of signal strength, to begin with. With that in mind, we must get your DAS system design right to provide maximum coverage. You should carefully consider your DAS system design and be as transparent with our team as possible during the initial discussion stages of reviewing your needs and figuring out an estimate for your services. Of course, we don’t expect you to know the ins and outs of DAS system installation, which is why our licensed and certified technicians can help you go over these UL-listed systems for your building and put you on the right track.

Contact Cabling Drops for BDA & DAS System Installation in NJ and PA

Your building’s signal strength is not something you can compromise for the sake of both your employees and any emergency personnel who are coming to help you when you need it most. For those reasons, BDA and DAS systems in buildings are necessary for businesses in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In addition to these UL-listed systems, Cabling Drops can also help your business with turnkey solutions such as fire alarm systems, access control systems, sound masking, and so much more. 

If you’re looking to add increased frequency to your building and make additional enhancements via NFPA- compliant and FDA-approved amplifier systems, give us a call today to schedule your appointment and receive your free quote.